One family, one planet. Three members of the Yonaka family are officially offering themselves up to the gods of travel, whenever time allows, until further notice. We currently mix normal life, work, and school, with as much global experience as we can patch together.
The Participants:
- Odette, nature fan-girl and chief kinetic element
- Janet, teacher and loving mother
- Brad, geographic consultant and taskmaster
Themed Links (under construction):
If you are already familiar with the setup of the site and wish to view only particular types of information or photos, this list is a shortcut.
The following two trips are not officially included in our adventure but are ‘practice runs’ for how to format the travel diary.
Northeast Asia (August 2019)Salton Sea, CA, USA (Feb 2022)The chapters below constitute the ‘Big Trip’ as Odette phrases it, which began April 3, 2022.
The British Isles (April 2022)The Nordic Countries (April-May 2022)The Baltic States (May-June 2022)Central/Eastern Europe (June-July 2022)Italy (July 2022)The Balkans (July-September 2022)Middle East and North Africa (September 2022 - January 2023)South Asia (parts of January, February and March 2023)Southeast Asia (January - June 2023)United States of America (May 2023)East Asia (June 2023)Oceania (June - July 2023)United States of America (July 2023 - End of Trip)The chapters below constitute the ‘Little Trip’ in Europe, our summer break for 2024.
Iceland (May-June 2024)The Low Countries (June 2024)Alsace (June 2024)The Alps (June 2024)Lombardy and Liguria (June 2024)Côte d'Azur (June 2024)Portugal (July 2024)I am now writing on Medium, a site for authors to post self-edited articles on any subject. I chose to focus on personal accounts of travel. If you are not already a member, the easiest way to see my articles is to use the search function at the above link with the keyword ‘Yonaka’. If you want to become a member of the site, please use my referral link and I receive a portion of your membership fee.